We’re growing our own food

April 30, 2009
A big thank you to the 17 volunteers who turned up last Sunday to work on the Camel Community Supported Agriculture project.
In three short hours our community food growing group achieved what one person working alone would have managed in a week! That’s one of the big advantages of belonging to a co-operative.
Grateful thanks to the three volunteer expert growers – Jane, Jeremy B and Mark N – and to volunteer members Alex, Cath, Charlotte, Diana, Fiona, Ian, Jeremy S, Jerry, John, Kitty, Mike H, Mike S, Mark M and Yvonne.
Together we spread compost, hoed weeds, tended the broad beans, shallots and onions, planted out cauliflowers and cabbages, sowed radishes and dug up yet more dock leaves. More seeds were also sown in the polytunnel.
Unfortunately a whole row of peas had been eaten by predators, but our enthusiastic volunteers got some new seeds planted in just a few minutes. It would have taken an allotment holder most of the morning.
Jeremy B, one of our expert growing team, thinks we should blame slugs rather than our resident cock pheasant. Fortunately the rabbit netting has proved secure so far.
We’re looking forward to welcoming you again this Sunday between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. We’ll be preparing additional beds, spreading compost, planting out more brassicas, and sowing calabrese and leeks.
Remember to bring strong shoes or wellies, waterproofs, gardening gloves, drinks and a snack. Also tools, ideally wheelbarrows, shovels, spades, forks and rakes. If the weather’s good you might need suncream and a hat!
Click here for directions to the site. If you have any questions call Antonina at St Kew Harvest Farm Shop on 01208 841818.