Jobs for Sunday

May 8, 2009
A message for anyone planning to volunteer this weekend from Jane Mellowship, one of Camel Community Supported Agriculture’s expert growers.
“Just to let you know the jobs for this Sunday.
“There are lettuce and leeks to sow in the potting shed and out in the field we need to transplant brassicas and chard.
“A second sowing of beetroot can be made and, as long as the weather is good and a bed can be formed with the tractor, a second sowing of carrots. Other than that, weeding the onion beds and probably the peas.
“See you Sunday.”
Last Sunday a bunch of around 10 volunteers got a lot more weeding done, but had to replant a row of brassica seedlings that had been devastated by another predator. We should probably blame the resident pheasant this time, as it left tell-tale beak marks and foot prints!
The second sowing of peas that replaced the 30-metre row eaten by slugs is now emerging safely under a protective fleece.
Many thanks to volunteers Beverley, Cath, Charlotte, Mark N, Mike H, Mike S, Jane, Jeremy B, John and Kitty.
This Sunday turn up any time between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. Remember to bring strong shoes or wellies, waterproofs, gardening gloves, drinks and a snack. Also tools, ideally wheelbarrows, shovels, spades, forks and rakes. If the weather’s good you might need suncream and a hat!
Click here for directions to the site. If you have any questions call Antonina at St Kew Harvest Farm Shop on 01208 841818.