We’re in the news – again

June 9, 2009
Camel Community Supported Agriculture members succeeded in spreading the word far and wide at the Royal Cornwall Show and the open day on Open Farm Sunday.
Hundreds more people in the south west now know what Camel CSA is doing to help make local food work and how we’re going about it.
Our efforts also resulted in plenty of media coverage in the past week or so – on BBC Radio Cornwall, in the Cornish Guardian and in the Western Morning News (three times!)
Discover food glorious food at the Royal Cornwall – Western Morning News May 26 09
Open day to feature county’s first community food growing group – Cornish Guardian June 2 09
Cornish food at its best – South West Farmer June 1 09
Food from Cornwall News – June 6 09
Other groups keen to set up their own community agriculture project should contact the Soil Association’s south west CSA co-ordinator Traci Lewis at tlewis@soilassociation.org or on 0787 0268654.