Broad bean glut over

July 17, 2009
Camel Community Supported Agriculture regrets to announce that the broad beans have gone over, so there are none in the latest veg share. You probably have mixed feelings about this. But remember to keep all those recipes for next year!
Some succulent baby carrots are included in the veg boxes this week. We did sort them out, but some of the tops are a little chewed. We think either rabbits or badgers are the culprits.
There are surplus older peas available at the box distribution point for any members who would like to help themselves. They are rather starchy, but can be used in soups and casseroles.
The small £5 box contains: – 700g potatoes, 700g peas, baby carrots, two onions, Swiss chard, spring onion bunch, 100g salad bag, a few chive stems
The standard £8 box contains: – 1kg potatoes, 1kg peas, baby carrots, three onions, Swiss chard, spring onion bunch, 140g salad bag, bunch of chives, cabbage, cucumber
If you’d like to give feedback on box content, please click on the comments link at the top of this post. We really want to know what you think. Also tell us what you’ve done with the vegetables.
More and more Camel CSA members are signing up for a share in the harvest. We filled a total of 22 veg boxes this week, up from just 15 a fortnight ago.
Please remember to return your empty box when you collect your fresh one next Friday.
And don’t forget the Big Lunch on the site at 1 p.m. on Sunday! We look forward to seeing you there.