Camel CSA collaborates with community groups

January 26, 2010
Camel Community Supported Agriculture has received a warm thank you from St Mabyn Village Hall committee, which made a best-ever final total of £649.25 for hall funds at the Mistletoe Fair just before Christmas.
Our raffle stall contributed a modest £26 towards the total sum raised. The sole prize was a Camel CSA weekly vegetable box (what else!) full of fresh, seasonal produce. At the same time we took the opportunity to raise our public profile locally and chat with people about our pioneering growing-our-own-food project.
Our next fund-raising raffle will be at the Valentine’s Day Brunch being organised by St Mabyn Pre-School. It’s on Sunday February 14 in St Mabyn Village Hall. Everyone is welcome and all proceeds will go to the pre-school.