Mud, mud… glorious Cornish mud
January 29, 2010
So much for the first signs of spring. When the north wind blows in North Cornwall it strikes with a vengeance.
Camel Community Supported Agriculture’s picking and packing team discovered this today as they battled against the elements to get this week’s veg boxes ready for our members.
First the root vegetables – the parsnips, Jerusalem artichokes and carrots – had to be dug up in the teeth of the gale.
Then they had to be washed clean of the mud that enveloped them. By hand. Outdoors. At the edge of the field.
Try that in freezing conditions!
The adverse weather meant yet again the eagerly-anticipated purple sprouting broccoli wasn’t available from our suppliers.

Mushrooms were also a little short, so we had to raid our own patch for cabbages. Jeremy Brown provided mustard greens.
In spite of these setbacks, the volunteer team remained very upbeat. Special thanks to picking and packing supremo Trish and to Robert, Penny, Jennifer, Henrietta, Mike S, Gillian and Charlotte.