Will we get the support to help us expand?

March 22, 2010
It’s all a bit nerve-racking. We’ll hear soon whether we’re going to get funding to help widen our activities.
A Lottery Food Fund assessor came for a site visit on Sunday. Kate Harris needed to see for herself exactly who we are and what we get up to. She asked our core group members lots of leading questions and met the volunteer growing team.
Kate watched the volunteers prepare vegetable beds, spread compost, plant Jerusalem artichokes, sow parsley seed for germination in the polytunnel and renew their attack on the dockleaves which are sprouting everywhere in the mild weather.
It’s her job to report back and make a recommendation on our funding bid. The all-important decision will be made in April. It’s a highly competitive scheme, so we reckon we’ve got about a 50% chance – at best.

In May we’ll hear whether we’ve been successful in our application for funding from the East Cornwall Local Action Group.
Whatever the result, we’ll keep going as a CSA – growing vegetables, working with the seasons and providing our members with a share of the harvest. It’s just that if our bids are unsuccessful, we’ll have to wait before we can invest in much-needed equipment, set up an education and training programme and provide secure employment.
For the first time on Sunday everyone had the chance to meet Daisy, expert grower Jane Mellowship’s five-week-old daughter. She arrived in a waterproof “baby trug” – ideal in the circumstances!
Many thanks to expert grower Mark Norman and volunteers Cath, Charlotte, Danny, Frank, Kitty, Mark M, Mike H, Mike S and Robert.