Volunteers carry on constructing rabbit-proof fence

December 5, 2010
It’s been invigorating work keeping the voracious Cornish rabbits out of our veg patch.
Our volunteers have almost finished constructing a rabbit-proof fence all round our two-acre plot behind St Kew Harvest Farm Shop at St Kew Highway.
The area at the back of the plot has proved the most challenging, as we’ve had to erect a double fence. This is to protect the native windbreak hedge that’s going to provide a valuable haven for wildlife.
So today’s jobs included hammering in fence posts and laying down a weed-suppressing membrane.

We’ll finish these tasks later in the week when we take part in a video commissioned by Making Local Food Work, the umbrella organisation that supports community food enterprises.
The aim of the short film is to raise the profile of community supported agriculture projects among communities that haven’t yet got to grips with this collaborative concept.
It’ll show Camel CSA members at work – the picking and packing team preparing our weekly veg boxes, the growing team led by our three professional growers, and the families who support us.
Will our efforts inspire others to join the growing CSA movement in the UK, I wonder?