Making Local Food Work video about Camel CSA

December 10, 2010
Who we are, what we do and why we’re doing it. That’s the subject of a short film being made by Making Local Food Work about Camel Community Supported Agriculture.
Making Local Food Work is the umbrella organisation that gives advice and support to community food enterprises like ours.
The aim of the video is to raise the profile of community supported agriculture projects. The idea is to interview people involved and to film us in action.

The film-makers have been recording the picking and packing team’s activities – digging up leeks and Jerusalem artichokes, weighing out the potatoes and onions and preparing the rest of this week’s Cornish veg boxes.
They’ve also been filming our growing team who have lots of winter chores to complete. These include finishing construction of the all-important rabbit-proof fence and putting down a weed-suppressing mulch to protect the native windbreak hedge.