We’re planting rhubarb and removing the dock weeds
February 14, 2011
The growing team have begun digging out the dock weeds that are springing up all over our brassica plot.
Camel Community Supported Agriculture’s commitment to growing vegetables organically means no chemical sprays! So every broad-leaved dock must be painstakingly dug out by hand. We need to avoid breaking the roots, as any remaining fragments will re-sprout.
We’ve planted rhubarb in the perennial area, where we’re preparing to grow gooseberries, raspberries, globe artichokes and Jerusalem artichokes. Work also continues on the interior of the toolshed.
Thanks to expert growers Jane, Jeremy B, Mark N plus volunteers Antonina, Bob, Bridget, Cath, Charlotte, Dan, Danny, Evie, Gav, Gillian, Mark M, Mike S, Paul, Sophie, Trish F, and children Aimee, Carla, Christian, Finn, Freddie, Keira, Max, Sammy, Seth, Sophie.