Camel CSA volunteers raise the second polytunnel roof

June 5, 2011
Camel CSA has now got two polytunnels. At long last we have a home for our tomatoes and peppers.
Our first polytunnel went up in March and is already nurturing our early crops of beetroot, basil, salad leaves, carrots, lettuce, French beans and leek seedlings.
We had to wait weeks for a calm, wind-free day (almost unheard of in Cornwall!) to get the cover on the second tunnel. With barely 24 hours notice we raised a team of six volunteers aided by three helpful WWOOFers – Willing Workers On Organic Farms.

Many thanks to expert grower Mark Norman, ably helped by Bob, Charlotte, Mark M, Mike S, Penny, Robert and an opportune visit by the Rev Dave Matthews (who’s very tall!) The WWOOFers are Matthias from Germany, and Kevin and Martina from Italy.