Camel CSA growers get a taste for lasagne gardening

June 8, 2011
The ground inside our new polytunnel is rock hard as a result of the prolonged dry spell in Cornwall. So it’s proved too difficult to dig deeply by hand to prepare for planting the tomatoes and peppers.
That’s why we’re experimenting with a no-dig method known in the United States as lasagne gardening.
This permaculture approach involves placing cardboard on the ground to suppress the weeds, watering it thoroughly and then covering it with newspaper and thick layers of compost or other organic material.
We’re planting the tomatoes and peppers directly into the compost and a hole is being pierced through the cardboard so the plants’ roots get access to the earth underneath.
All being well, there will be lovely friable soil once the cardboard has rotted down at the end of the season.
So watch this space!
- Special thanks to Joe and Laura Brown at St Mabyn PO & Stores for all their recycled cardboard