Lots more seasonal veg growing jobs to do this weekend

June 11, 2011
What a difference the new polytunnels are making!
The contents of this week’s seasonal veg boxes came almost exclusively from Camel CSA’s own plot.
Expert grower Mark Norman supplied us with broad beans and green onions from his smallholding in Bodmin. Richard Hore provided Cornish new potatoes grown in his fields above the Camel estuary.
When it comes to making local food work, you can’t get much more local than that.
The volunteer growing team have a variety of jobs to get through this Sunday morning. We need to: –
- Mark out and form the third lasagne bed in the new polytunnel and plant two rows of tomatoes
- Weed the second brassica bed
- Prepare the second sweetcorn bed and move the sweetcorn seedlings to the cold frame
- Dig the remaining holes in the squash beds and fill each one with two shovelfuls of compost (the rest of the pumpkins and squashes will get planted later in the week)
- Plant the dahlias beside the squashes
- Sow a tray of cabbage, half a tray each of calabrese and turnips (six turnip seeds per module)