We’re enjoying a glut of fresh, seasonal vegetables

August 8, 2011
Camel CSA’s weekly veg boxes are overflowing with a bumper harvest from our community vegetable plot in north Cornwall.
We can hardly keep up with the pace of growth. The cucumbers, basil, coriander and rocket in our first new polytunnel are racing ahead.

The tomatoes in the second polytunnel, grown by the lasagne gardening method, are almost ready to harvest.
There are over 100 tomato plants in there, flanked by aubergines, sweet peppers and about 40 chilli plants.
On the field the peas are swelling by the minute, while the first of the outdoor french beans and mange tout peas will be available in the boxes this Friday.

We’ve at long last picked all the broad beans.
The brassicas are also doing brilliantly – calabrese, summer sprouting broccoli and purple kale. We’ve even managed to grow some mouth-watering kohlrabi!
Unfortunately the alternate sunshine and showery weather means it’s a good year for weeds as well –
and it’s proving difficult to keep up wth the weeding as so many of our regular volunteers are away on holiday.

Next year we’re determined instigate a strict mulching regime to enable us to manage the growth and keep them at bay.
But at least we’ve been able to start drying out our vast crop of onions.
Watch the video: How Camel CSA is helping make local food work