It’s time to… prepare growing beds and sow beans

April 3, 2012
We’ve been busy sowing, growing and hoeing on our community veg patch over the past week.
We’ve weeded the polytunnels, planted out mixed lettuce to replace the pak choi, and sown an indoor crop of French beans.
More mange tout and carrot seeds have been put in to mitigate the mouse damage. Fortunately the field mice left the indoor broad beans alone for some reason, but the recent warm, dry spell in Cornwall has delayed germination of the outdoor crop.

The fine, sunny weather has enabled us to get more growing beds ready with our Big Lottery-funded tractor and to plant hundreds more onion sets.
It’ll soon be time to plant out the spring onions, cabbages, sweet peas, shallots and leaf beet sown earlier in modules. We’ve also sowed more cabbage, calabrese, spring onions, rocket and kohl rabi.
Thanks to expert growers Bridget, Jane, Mark N and to Bob, Cath, Charlotte, Mark M, Mike and Tom.