Cornish calabrese in Camel CSA’s weekly veg boxes

July 26, 2012
What a difference ten days of sustained warmth and sunshine can make! Just two weeks ago, our growing team were in despair. Torrential rain, leaden skies, mud, mildew, slugs, snails…
Now, in the space of a week, we have some spectacular heads of calabrese and some enormous cabbages on our plot.
In the polytunnel the French beans are cropping prolifically and the cucumbers are doing well. The indoor tomatoes, peppers, aubergines and chillies are coming along nicely.
The field-grown peas and beans are a bit of a mess and we have few outdoor carrots. But we have plenty of Tuscan and red Russian kale and purple-sprouting broccoli in modules ready to be planted out.
All the boxes this week will have: –
potatoes (Burlerrow Farm, St Mabyn)
* Swiss chard (Camel CSA)
* spring onions (Camel CSA)
* calabrese (Camel CSA)
* French beans (Camel CSA)
* courgettes (Mark Norman, Bodmin)
* garlic (Camel CSA)
* cabbage (Camel CSA)
Standard boxes will also have: –
extra potatoes (Growfair
* mixed salad bag (Camel CSA)
* turnip or beetroot (Camel CSA)
* cucumber (Camel CSA / Mark Norman)
* = grown to organic principles