What’s in this week’s seasonal veg boxes

March 28, 2013
Our new doorstep delivery scheme is boosting Camel CSA’s box numbers. This Friday our professional growers and the volunteer picking and packing team will be preparing a record 48 boxes. Amazing!
Everyone’s boxes will have:
* salad bags (Camel CSA)
* stir-fry oriental greens – mibuna/mizuna (Camel CSA)
* swiss chard/perpetual spinach (Camel CSA)
* sprouted mung beans (Mark Norman/Camel CSA)
potatoes (Button, Michaelstow)
leeks (Growfair, Cornwall)
cauliflower (Growfair, Cornwall)
Standard boxes will have extra potatoes plus:
* kohl rabi (Camel CSA)
swede (Growfair, Cornwall)
carrots (Growfair)
* = grown to organic principles