Sweet corn-on-the-cob in Camel CSA’s boxes this week

September 19, 2013
The bountiful autumn harvest continues! Both small and standard boxes have: –
* sweetcorn (Camel CSA)
* tomatoes (Camel CSA)
* curly or black Tuscan kale/cavalo nero (Camel CSA)
* basil (Camel CSA)
* mixed salad bag (Camel CSA) **
* bunched turnips (Camel CSA)
* potatoes (Restharrow Farm, Trebetherick)
Standard boxes also have extra potatoes plus:
* aubergines (Camel CSA)
* peppers (Camel CSA)
* cucumbers (Camel CSA)
* = grown to organic principles
** salad bag – lettuce, mibuna, mizuma, baby leaf beet, rocket