Red cabbage and red Russian kale in Camel CSA’s weekly veg boxes

January 9, 2014
A great selection of winter staples this week. Standard boxes have the added luxury of some winter salad leaves from our polytunnels. It’s hard to believe there’s been enough light to encourage them to grow.
All boxes have: –
* Red Russian kale (Camel CSA)
red cabbage (Restharrow Farm, Trebetherick)
leeks (Restharrow)
Brussels sprouts stalk (Restharrow)
* Jerusalem artichokes (Mark Norman, Bodmin)
* onions (Mark Norman)
potatoes ‘Wilja‘ (Restharrow)
Standard boxes also have:-
extra 500g potatoes
* mixed salad bag (Camel CSA) **
* cauliflower (Camel CSA)
beetroot (Restharrow)
* = grown to organic principles
** mibuna, mizuna, baby leaf beet, pak choi, lettuce, rocket, red mustard and golden mustard greens