Lots of peas and beans in our organic veg boxes

August 6, 2015
It’s a lucky dip again this week. We’re each getting two of the following – French beans, broad beans, peas and mangetout. They’ll be randomly allocated by our volunteer pickers and packers.
The tomatoes are fruiting madly along with the green peppers and aubergines. We have more than 100 tomato plants indoors and they have to be tended carefully – it takes one of us about three hours to prune them every Monday. A pleasant job until the polytunnel heats up!
In all the boxes this week: –
*spinach or Swiss chard
*new potatoes – ‘Rocket’
*mangetout peas and/or peas in the pod and/or broad beans and/or French beans (purple or yellow)
Standard boxes also have: –
extra new potatoes
*green pepper or aubergine
* mixed salad bag or green coriander
* = grown to organic principles
All produce grown by Camel CSA unless otherwise indicated. Please wash all vegetables and fruit.

Try these delicious pea and bean dishes on our recipe page –
Allegra’s tortellini in brodo d’estiva
Hugh’s risoni with baby peas (or broad beans), bacon and garlic