Cornish early potatoes in Camel CSA’s weekly veg boxes

May 13, 2017
No more old potatoes! At long last we’ve got Cornish earlies in the veg boxes AND more of that delicious asparagus from Tregassow Farm, Truro. We also have newly-harvested baby turnips, broad beans and peas from our own polytunnels.
In all the vegetable boxes this week:-
*broad beans OR peas in the pod
asparagus (Tregassow Farm, Truro)
rhubarb (Mitchell Fruit Garden)
spring greens (Growfair)
Cornish early potatoes (Growfair)
Standard boxes also have:-
extra potatoes
*salad bag
golden beetroot (Growfair)
cauliflower (Growfair)
* = grown to organic principles
All produce grown by Camel CSA unless otherwise indicated. Please wash all vegetables and fruit.
Try out these ways of preparing asparagus on Camel CSA’s recipe page – more than 350 vegetable recipes for you to browse:-
Hugh’s roast new potatoes and asparagus with baked eggs
Nigel’s asparagus and lemon risotto