Super selection in our veg boxes from north Cornwall

July 22, 2017
Our team of vegetable box pickers and packers deserve a medal! In spite of driving rain we managed to get 49 veg boxes out this Friday. Volunteers Charlotte, Gillian, Lila, Ness and Toby got soaked to the skin but kept on smiling, as did our growers Bridget and Mark N.
In all the vegetable boxes this week:-
*’wet’ garlic
*red Russian or black Tuscan kale
*courgettes (Mark Norman, Bodmin)
new potatoes (Growfair)
Standard boxes also have:-
extra potatoes
*calabrese or fennel or new turnips
*French beans or tomatoes
*Swiss chard
* = grown to organic principles
All produce grown by Camel CSA unless otherwise indicated. Please wash all vegetables and fruit.
Try out these easy oven-cooked ways of serving new potatoes on Camel CSA’s recipe page – more than 350 recipes for you to browse:-
New potatoes baked in parchment
Hugh’s roasted new potatoes with harissa