Basil and tomatoes in Camel CSA’s Cornish veg boxes

July 30, 2017
Basil and the first of the tomatoes – the perfect combination. Picked and packed by volunteers Charlotte, Chris, Jan, Pat, Susan and Trish under the guidance of expert growers Bridget and Mark.
In all the vegetable boxes this week:-
*spring onions
*courgettes (Mark Norman, Bodmin)
strawberries (Mitchell Fruit Garden)
new potatoes (*Camel CSA / Growfair)
Standard boxes also have:-
extra potatoes
*tomatoes or French beans
*cavolo nero or rainbow chard
calabrese (Restharrow Farm, Trebetherick)
* = grown to organic principles
All produce grown by Camel CSA unless otherwise indicated. Please wash all vegetables and fruit.

Try out these delicious courgette cakes on Camel CSA’s recipe page – more than 350 recipes to browse:-
Flora’s famous courgette cake with lime icing
Zucchini (courgette) olive oil bread