Sweetcorn and squash in Camel CSA’s weekly veg boxes

August 12, 2018
Corn-on-the-cob, Golden Nugget squash and heritage beetroot headline our star-studded cast of celebrity summer veggies this week.
In all boxes:-
*squash – ‘Golden Nugget’
*beetroot – ‘Chioggia’
*tomatoes – ‘Mamande’, ‘Golden Sunrise’, Gardener’s Delight’
*courgettes (Mark Norman, Bodmin)
*new potatoes – Arrow’ (Growfair Cornwall)
Standard boxes also have:-
*calabrese or pointed hispi cabbage
*runner beans (Mark)
*= grown to organic principles. Please wash all produce thoroughly.
All veg grown by Camel CSA unless stated otherwise.
Have a look at all the veg recipes on the recipes page on our website – we recommend nearly 400!