Summer veg crops coming to an end

September 24, 2022
Our wonderful volunteer pickers and packers are gradually harvesting the last of the basil and tomatoes. Any green tomatoes left at the end of the season will be made into chutney for us all to have at Christmas.
In all the weekly veg boxes:
*tomatoes + *basil
*melon or *cucumbers
*cavolo nero (black Tuscan kale)
*sweet peppers
*cooking apples ‘Bramley’ (Mark Norman, Bodmin)
*potatoes (Trerair Farm, St Eval)
Standard veg boxes also have:-
*mixed salad leaves
*French beans or *runner beans
*turnips (Camel CSA) or *courgettes (Mark Norman, Bodmin)
* = grown to organic principles
Please wash all produce thoroughly.
Produce grown by Camel CSA, unless indicated otherwise
Need some cooking inspiration?
Browse our A-Z page of vegetable recipes – nearly 400 for you to try
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