Vegetable cool store now up and running

August 20, 2023
We’re thrilled that our new insulated cool store is almost complete. The first bunches of elephant garlic bulbs have been hung up to cure until they’re ready to go in the veg boxes.
We’ll also be using the cool shed to store other crops like onions, beetroot, pumpkins, squash and apples until we need them.
Volunteers Nick and Stan constructed the insulated and predator-proof lean-to at the rear of our packing shed. They used timber and insulating materials financed by Wadebridge Renewable Energy Network (WREN) using money donated by local firm CleanEarth Energy. We’re extremely grateful to have friends and supporters like these.
In all this week’s veg shares:
*salad leaves
*beetroot or *carrots
*courgettes (Mark Norman, Bodmin)
potatoes (Trerair Farm, St Eval)
Standard boxes also have:
*aubergine or melon
*spring onions
*French beans
* = grown to organic principles. Please wash all veg thoroughly
Produce grown by Camel CSA, unless indicated otherwise