Eat your Halloween pumpkin and save waste

October 31, 2023
For Halloween this year we’ve grown lots of Jack Be Little pumpkins instead of the giant Jack-o’-Lantern variety. The mini ones look amazing when painted and decorated AND they’re much tastier to eat than carving pumpkins.
However we have also grown just a few Jack o’ Lantern pumpkins for children to carve.
More than 15 million large pumpkins go to waste every year, carved but not eaten, according to the Eat Your Pumpkin campaign from Hubbub. That’s enough for 95 million meals!
In all this week’s veg shares:
*pumpkins ‘Jack Be Little’ or Jack o’ Lantern
*carrots or beetroot
*cavolo nero or rhubarb chard
purple sprouting broccoli (Trerair Farm, St Eval)
potatoes ‘Wilja’ (Trerair Farm)
Standard boxes also have:
*Any two out of: cucumber / French beans / tomatoes / chillies / sweet peppers
* = grown to organic principles. Please wash all veg thoroughly
Produce grown by Camel CSA, unless indicated otherwise