Storm Henk causes havoc across Cornwall

January 8, 2024
We’re putting a brave face on the loss of one polytunnel cover and damage to another during Storm Henk.
Our four large polytunnels are our biggest asset, and we rely on them extensively all year round to protect a large variety of seasonal crops like winter salad leaves and summer tomatoes.
They’re particularly valuable in spring for bringing on early vegetables needed during the ‘hungry gap’ when British-grown veg are in short supply.
In all this week’s veg boxes:-
leeks (Trerair Farm, St Eval)
cauliflower (Trerair)
potatoes ‘Wilja’ (Trerair)
Standard boxes also have:
*carrots or *salad leaves
*sprouted mung beans
beetroot (Trerair)
* = grown to organic principles. Please wash all veg thoroughly
Produce grown by Camel CSA, unless indicated otherwise