Parisian carrots in Camel CSA’s weekly veg boxes
August 26, 2018
We’re savouring every mouthful of these miniature, sweet, round Parisian carrots in this week’s veg boxes! Wholesale carrot prices have leapt 80% since March and onions prices are up 40%, so they’re worth their weight in gold.
Parisian carrots are a 19th century heritage veggie that don’t need peeling, have the most amazing flavour and crunchy texture and are highly sought after by gourmet restaurants. Enjoy them raw or try this simple recipe.
In all boxes:-
*Parisian carrots
*tomatoes – ‘Mamande’, ‘Golden Sunrise’, Gardener’s Delight’, ‘Alicante’
*courgettes (Mark Norman, Bodmin)
*onions (Mark)
*new potatoes – ‘Malfona’ (Colwith Farm, Lanlivery)
Standard boxes also have:-
*fennel bulb
*French beans – ‘Amethyst’
*runner beans (Mark)
*= grown to organic principles. Please wash all produce thoroughly.
All veg grown by Camel CSA unless stated otherwise.
Have a look at all the veg recipes on the recipes page on our website – nearly 400 to try!