Bumper tomato harvest in Camel CSA’s veg boxes
September 30, 2018
In all the boxes this week: –
*tomatoes – ‘Mamande’, ‘Golden Sunrise’
*squash – ‘Golden Nugget’ or ‘Uchiki Kuri’
*spring onions
*Bramley apples (Mark Norman, Bodmin)
*curly kale (Mark)
*French beans / runner beans / peas (CSA / Mark)
potatoes – ‘Wilja (Colwith Farm, Lanlivery)
Standard boxes also have:-
*mixed salad leaves – lettuce, rocket, red mustard
*pepper / aubergine
*cucumber / courgette (Mark)
*= grown to organic principles.
Please wash all produce thoroughly.
All veg grown by Camel CSA unless stated otherwise.
Have a look at all the veg recipes on the recipes page on our website – nearly 400 to try!