What’s in the boxes …
October 8, 2009
This week another great selection of fresh seasonal veg in the boxes, including some Tenderstem broccoli. In case you haven’t come across this before, it’s a very tender sort of broccoli with, according to the Tenderstem website, a texture closer to asparagus. Nutritious too – a 100g portion will provide your full daily requirement of vitamin C.
The small boxes will have:
* red onions (Camel CSA)
* parsnips (Camel CSA)
* parsley (Camel CSA)
* carrots (Jeremy Brown)
Maris Peer potatoes (Burlerrow Farm, St Mabyn)
tenderstem broccoli (Rest Harrow Farm, Trebetherick)
leeks (Rest Harrow Farm)
swede (Rest Harrow Farm)
Standard boxes as above plus:
* 140g salad bag (Jane Mellowship)
* runner beans (Mark Norman)
and larger quantities of the basics
Large boxes will be as standard with the addition of:
* crown prince squash (Jane)
* celeriac (Jeremy)
* courgettes (Mark)
* 2 small salad bags (Jane)
2 bags tenderstem broccoli (Rest Harrow Farm)
plus larger quantities of leeks, potatoes, onions and carrots
(* = grown to organic principles)