Another media mention

November 4, 2009
We’ve had another mention in the Western Morning News – this time in its Woman section.
WMN Woman’s editor Gillian Molesworth, herself an active Camel CSA member, reveals how she tried to grow vegetables on her own and lost heart. So she fully appreciates what we do:
“I highly recommend it. You get the gardener’s satisfaction of digging and weeding and picking … and you get to take home a weekly vegetable box that you didn’t have to grow all yourself.
You get to eat seasonally and locally, and even if there’s a permanent cloud sitting overhead waiting to rain on you when you start digging up carrots, at least you can complain about it to some fellow volunteers, instead of suffering in lonesome silence.
Finding the fun in vegetables – Western Morning News – WMN2 – Woman 30-10-09