Camel CSA members get on with spring growing jobs

March 14, 2011
We’ve lots of activity to report from our community veg plot at St Kew Highway in north Cornwall.
- BBC Inside Out South West has been to film us about initiatives to keep rural communities alive.
- We’ve begun digging up the ground inside the newly-covered polytunnel so we can sow early carrots,
French beans, beetroot and salad crops. Cold frames are also under construction. - We’ve planted two rows of Jerusalem artichokes, sown additional salad leaves in modules and pricked
out the parsley seedlings. - We’re continuing our onslaught on the dock weeds in the brassica beds.
Not bad for a mixed bunch of volunteers! Thanks to Bob, Bridget, Charlotte, Gav, Jane, Kitty, Mark M, Mark N, Mike S, Sophie. Also veg box packers Anne, Jenny, Penny, Robert, Trish, and Max (aged 5).