Camel CSA moves over to carbon-zero jute veg hampers

March 16, 2011
We’ve marked Fairtrade Fortnight with the launch of our new carbon-zero standard-size veg hampers. This follows a lengthy search for sustainable veg box containers.
After a successful trial, we’re now offering these biodegradable jute hampers to our members. We’ve purchased them from GoJute, a local firm based in St Austell, which operates to strict ethics.
Our new membership secretary Cath Simmons says:
These hampers will replace the assortment of boxes that are used at the moment. They’ll make the picking and packing sessions a lot more efficient as well as being very practical and good-looking. They’re lined and have sturdy bamboo handles.
As soon as we receive your order, your next weekly veg share will arrive in your new hamper.

The bags are available to standard box customers for the cost price of £5.95 each, or two for £11.90. It’s a returnable deposit, provided the hampers are handed back to us in good condition.
Members will be able to leave an empty bag in the packing shed for when they pick up their veg the following week.
Small vegetable box customers will get this offer at a later date. Regrettably, our consignment of small jute hampers is stuck on the high seas after a maritime collision (you couldn’t make it up!) on the voyage from India.
We’ll keep you posted.
Jute suits – bags replace veg boxes – Cornish Guardian