Elephant garlic in Camel CSA’s veg boxes

August 20, 2015
Each elephant garlic clove is as big as your thumb.
We planted a few of these very expensive garlic cloves just two years ago as a propagation experiment. This season our clever professional growers have cultivated enough to provide one giant bulb for each veg box.
It has a mild taste and is best roasted or it can be used raw – chopped or grated into salads.
In all our boxes this week:
*elephant garlic bulb
*aubergine OR green peppers
*broad beans OR French beans OR mangetout peas
potatoes (Burlerrow Farm, St Mabyn)
Standard boxes also have:-
extra potatoes
*mixed salad bag
*calabrese OR curly kale
* = grown to organic principles
All produce grown by Camel CSA unless otherwise indicated. Please wash all vegetables and fruit.
Try these ways of using basil on our recipe page –
Pesto gnocchi
Jekka’s basil oil