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Fresh shoots

April 13, 2009

Broad beans, early potatoes, Jerusalem artichokes and onions are beginning to show above the ground on the field being cultivated by Camel Community Supported Agriculture at St Kew Highway.

We shifted a mountain of compost in glorious sunshine on Easter Sunday.  Beetroot seed and red onion sets were sown in the new growing beds.

Special thanks to our three expert growers – Jane, Jeremy and Mark – and to volunteers Antonina, Catherine, Charlotte, Danni, Mike H and Mike S.

We hope to see even more of you between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m next Sunday.

Watch our latest video to find out why some of us decided to get involved.

Strong people needed

April 10, 2009

It’s time to flex those muscles!

We’re hoping for a good turnout from Camel Community Supported Agriculture members on Easter Sunday to get more seeds into the ground.  We also need strong people to put in some hard labour spreading compost on the beds.

Jane Mellowship, one of our team of expert growers, looks forward to meeting you on the field.  

“Jobs include planting second early potatoes, preparing beds and sowing red onion sets, beetroot and turnip. We’ll probably be sowing in the polytunnel as well.”

Join us this Sunday between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. at the site behind St Kew Harvest Farm Shop.  It’s going to be sunny, so do come!

Please bring strong shoes or wellies, waterproofs, gardening gloves, drinks and a snack.  Also bring any tools, ideally wheelbarrows, shovels, spades, forks and rakes.

If you would like more information or have any questions call Antonina at St Kew Harvest on 01208 841818.

Click here for directions to the site.

Come and join us on Sunday

April 2, 2009

Camel Community Supported Agriculture’s spring planting programme continues apace.  We’re relying on volunteers to tackle a whole lot more jobs this Sunday 5 April.

Expert grower Jane Mellowship says:

“There’s lots of sowing to be done and more compost to put on beds. We plan to do carrots, parsnips, turnips, swiss chard and plant another bed of onion sets. Also dock leaf removal for the willing!

“A new seed order is being prepared. It includes broccoli, fennel and sweetcorn.”

We would love it if you could join us this Sunday between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. Our expert growers will be waiting for you at the site behind St Kew Harvest Farm Shop.

Do come and help out.  You will learn what’s involved in preparing a vegetable plot, what’s on the planting schedule and also work up a good appetite for Sunday lunch.

Please bring strong shoes or wellies, waterproofs, drinks and a snack.  And don’t forget some gardening gloves!  Also bring any tools, ideally wheelbarrows, shovels, spades, forks and rakes.

If you would like more information or have any questions call Antonina at St Kew Harvest on 01208 841818.

Click here for directions to the site.

We’re a growing concern

March 31, 2009

Above you can see some of our growing team regulars (left to right) Gav, Jane, Diana, Kitty, Charlotte, Jeremy

We feel we’re starting to get somewhere!

There was a good turnout on the field on Sunday. The Camel Community Supported Agriculture team worked hard to create additional seed beds, spread loads of compost, and get broad beans, peas and onions into the ground.

More seeds were planted in the polytunnel.  Some of us tackled the remaining dock leaves with a vengeance.

Many thanks to Kitty, Ian,  Mike, Jane, Gav, Jeremy, Charlotte, Frank, Mark and Diana.

Help needed to plant potatoes and onions

March 19, 2009

Above: Some of the stalwarts who turned out on Camel CSA’s first volunteer day

Now’s the chance to get to know your onions!

We urgently need your help this Sunday 22 March to plant potatoes, onions and shallots on Camel Community Supported Agriculture’s site behind St Kew Harvest Farm Shop at St Kew Highway.

Jeremy Brown, of the growers’  team, has taken advantage of the dry sunny weather to form a number of new vegetable beds.

It’s now up to us volunteers to turn up on Sunday between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. to get the seed potatoes and onion sets into the ground.  We also need to spread a lot more of the compost kindly donated by TT Compost at St Teath.

Please remember to bring wellies, gloves and waterproofs (just in case).  If possible bring wheelbarrows, rakes and forks as well.

We look forward to seeing you on Sunday!

If you would like more information or have any questions email Alex at or call Antonina at St Kew Harvest on 01208 841818.

Click here for directions to the site.

Camel CSA gets support from sponsors

March 2, 2009

Exciting news for Camel Community Supported Agriculture!

The Brown family of St Kew Harvest Farm Shop have very generously offered to let us have the initial two acre plot of land rent free until July. 

 TT Compost Ltd at St Teath has kindly agreed to donate 30 tons of compost.  Cornwall Farmers has offered discounts.

 The Co-operative Group has granted us £1,400 to cover further land rental.

We are busy formulating funding bids to the Lottery Food Fund and the Local Action Group.  So far we have completed Stage 1 of the Lottery Local Food grant process.

Camel CSA’s team of expert vegetable growers has begun preparing and planting the land.  The first vegetables should be ready for distribution to our members by the middle of June.

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