Seasonal recipe No 2 – Prickley Green beetroot salad Ⓥ

Camel Community Supported Agriculture’s second recipe is recommended by volunteer Penny Manders.
Preparation time: 15 minutes
Serves: 4
2 large raw beetroot, grated
I large onion, chopped
110g (4 oz) sultanas
2 tablespoons sunflower oil
chopped basil
salt and freshly ground pepper
juice of 1 lemon
1 bunch spring onions, chopped
Mix all the ingredients together in a salad bowl. Sprinkle the spring onions over the top and serve.
This recipe comes from Sarah Brown’s Vegetarian Kitchen. You can cook the beetroot first if you prefer. Try using some fresh raw beetroot with one of the newly-harvested onions from our vegetable box and garnishing the salad with parsley, again from the box, rather than spring onions. If you dislike the taste of strong raw onion you could use a red onion, which has a milder flavour, or some chives instead.
There are some interesting recipes for beetroot on the Riverford Organics website, including this one for Chocolate beetroot cake.
For tips on how to prepare, cook and store beetroot have a look at the useful eat the seasons website.
If you have any beetroot recipes you would like to share, please let us have them. Click on the comments link at the top of this post.
Click here to see all the recipes that Camel CSA members have recommended so far.