I’ve just found this recipe in the latest West Country food lover magazine and will definitely be trying it out when we get some hot weather! I will use fresh strawberries instead of frozen.
Preparation time: 15 minutes
500 g frozen strawberries
500 g Greek-style yoghurt
2 Tbsp runny honey
Place all of the ingredients into a food processor and blend until smooth. Transfer to a suitable container and freeze until required.

Who wants to spend ages slaving over a hot kitchen stove when the weather is good? If you use shop bought meringue nests this tasty pudding can be knocked up in no time at all.
Serves 3-4
Preparation time: 15 minutes
250 g strawberries, hulled
300 ml double cream
1/2 Tbs icing sugar
1 packet meringue nests
Chop half the strawberries, place them in a blender with the icing sugar and whiz to a puree. Whip the double cream to the floppy stage. Chop the rest of the strawberries and break up the meringue nests into roughly 2.5 cm pieces. Fold together the cream, meringue pieces and most of the puree to give a marbled effect. Serve immediately with the rest of the puree poured over.

There are lots of cucumbers in the polytunnel, so we’re on the lookout for different ways to prepare them.
Nigel Slater says: “I know this sounds extraordinary, but [this] is the crispest, most refreshing fruit salad imaginable… summer in a bowl. And if you really can’t handle the idea of cucumber, then it is jolly good with strawberries and banana.” (via The Observer)
Serves: 4
Preparation time: 10 minutes + 30 minutes in fridge
For the syrup:
3 tbsp honey
10 mint leaves
5 tbsp elderflower cordial
2 cucumbers
450g medium strawberries

Put the honey, mint and elderflower syrup into a blender and blitz to a thick, fragrant syrup. If you don’t have a blender, chop the mint very, very finely, mix it with the honey and cordial, then leave it for an hour. Strain through a fine sieve or muslin to remove the mint.
Peel the cucumbers, slice them in half down their length, then scrape the seeds out with a teaspoon. Dice the flesh finely and put it in a large bowl. Remove the leaves from the strawberries, slice the fruit in half and toss gently with the cucumber.
Pour the mint and elderflower syrup into the fruit, stir very gently, then leave for about 30 minutes, in the fridge and covered, before serving.