Seasonal recipe No 3 – New potatoes baked in parchment

This spectacular but easy dish can be found on the Riverford Organic Vegetables website
Preparation time: 5 minutes
Cooking time: 30 minutes
Serves: 4
Per person:
1 sheet baking parchment
5 small new potatoes
5 cloves of garlic unpeeled – wet garlic can also be used
small branch rosemary or several branches of thyme
1 tbsp virgin olive oil
salt & black pepper
The idea for this came from Alice Waters at Chez Panisse.
1. If the potatoes are large – cut in half, wash, but leaves skins on. Preheat oven to 200ºC (gas mark 6).
2. Fold the baking parchment in half to make a crease; open and lay potatoes on the lower half. Tuck in garlic and herbs. Pour olive oil over spuds and season with salt and pepper. Bring the rest of the paper down and roll lightly along the edges to form a pouch (a bit like pastry). Make sure that the package is sealed.
3. Bake for 30 minutes and serve immediately. The ‘pastry’ packages will “puff up”. The packages are best opened at the table.
I first tasted this delicious method of preparing the new potatoes in our veg boxes when visiting Riverford Organic Vegetables in Devon to tour the farm and to have lunch in its Field Kitchen. The resident chef, Jane Baxter, used to work at the River Cafe in London. It shows!
If you have a way of cooking new potatoes you’d like to share, please let us have it. Click on the comments link at the top of this post and get writing…
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