Seasonal local food recipe No.269 – Nigel’s baked eggs with taleggio and greens

Charlotte saw this recipe, looks nice and simple and can be made with the kale in this week’s boxes. Nigel also recommends using steamed spinach instead of the kale or a goat’s or blue cheese. Apparently the combination of spinach and blue cheese is particularly good.
Serves 2
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 20 mins
125 g of mixed greens such as cavolo nero or red Russian kale
6 eggs
salt and pepper
2 Tbs olive oil
150 g taleggio cheese, torn or sliced
3 Tbs pumpkin seeds, chopped
Put a pan of water on to boil. Set the oven at 200C/gas mark 6. Wash and lightly shred 125g of mixed greens, such as kale and cavolo nero.
Add the greens to the boiling water, leave for a minute, then immediately remove and refresh in a colander under cold, running water. Gently squeeze most of the water out of the greens and set aside. Beat six eggs in a large mixing bowl, then add the shredded greens and season generously with salt and pepper.
Warm 2 tbsp of olive oil in a nonstick ovenproof 22cm pan, then, as bubbles start to appear, pour in the egg and greens mixture. Leave to cook over a moderate heat for two minutes. Tear or slice 150g of taleggio, or another soft, easily melting cheese, and place the pieces on the surface of the eggs and greens. Scatter over three tablespoons of chopped pumpkin seeds then bake in the preheated oven for 12 minutes until the eggs are lightly set and the cheese oozing.